Take a look at our double garages!
Non-isolated garages with trapez sheet coverage and isolated garages with sandwichpanel coverage.
Double garages with 6,35 m width that are suitable for two cars.
We deliver in standard and in individual sizes.
Extras you can order: electric garage door opener, rain gutter, side, door, window etc. All options are available at the Extras menu!
You can order your non-isolated garage with Hörmann Berry up&over garage door or with a garage door that opens two ways. If you need an elegant and modern look, we recommend the Hörmann sectional garage door that is available in many colours and sizes.
All our products have galvanized frame structure. Our non-isolated buildings have 0,5 mm trapez sheet coverage, our isolated buildings haveig 60 mm PUR sandwich panel coverage.
We deliver everywhere within Hungary and all our prices include the price of delivery, assamble and fixing the building to the concrete foundation.
Light framed double garage with doors that open two ways
T33 B
Light framed double garage with Hörmann Berry up and over garage door(with 3 different heights!)
T33 SZ
Light framed double garage with Hörmann sectional garage door (with 3 different heights!)
TS 2
Light framed double sized small building system
Light framed double garage with Hörmann sectional garage door (with 3 different heights!)
Isolated double garage with Hörmann sectional door made from sandwich panel